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Sinetemba Xoxo

Rhodes University, South Africa

I am a Rhodes University alumni and PhD candidate in hydrology at the Institute for Water Research. I have a keen interest in assisting institutions and countries reach their sustainability targets, through data-driven decision-support systems. As sustainability scientist working in a constantly changing and unpredictable space, my interests require me to use a diversified toolbox to allow inclusive decision-making, water, and land resource assessments. During my development, I have been involved in research projects looking at approaches to evaluate social-ecological systems. I am familiar with land degradation assessments, ecosystem restoration planning, hydrological simulations, social simulation, at different scales. Working with different stakeholder types has forced me to develop my science communication skills, to help better disseminate scientific knowledge for a wider societal consumption.

Current affiliation:
Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University. Post-Doctoral Researcher

A stakeholder driven process to develop a more equitable and sustainable water resource management plan. Water Research Commission Project No. C2020/2021-00607 

The role, benefits and prioritisation of ecological infrastructure (EI) in mitigating the impacts of droughts in South Africa. Water Research Commission Project No. K5/2928

Publications and presentations:
Gwapedza D, Barreteau O, Mantel S, Paxton B, Bonte B, Tholanah R, Xoxo S, Theron S, Mabohlo S, O’Keeffe L, Bradshaw K, Tanner J. (in production). Engaging stakeholders to address a complex water resource management issue in the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Hydrology 

Xoxo BS, Mantel SK, De Vos A, Tanner JL, Le Maître DC. 2024. Using the analytic hierarchical process to identify potential sites for rural ecological infrastructure investment in South Africa: examples from Cacadu and Tsitsa Catchments. Restoration Ecology 1–15. DOI:  

Xoxo S, Mantel S, De Vos A, Mahlaba B, Le Maître D, Tanner J. 2022. Towards SDG 15.3: The biome context as the appropriate degradation monitoring dimension. Environmental Science and Policy 136: 400–412. DOI: 

Xoxo S, Tanner J, Mantel S, Gwapedza D, Paxton B, Hughes D, Barreteau O. 2023. Equity-Based Allocation Criteria for Water Deficit Periods: A Case Study in South Africa. In: Liu S, Zaraté P, Kamissoko D, Linden I and Papathanasiou J (eds) Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer Nature: Albi, France, 137–155. DOI:  

Mantel S, Xoxo S, Mahlaba B, Tanner J, Le Maitre D. 2021. The Role of Ecological Infrastructure (EI) in Mitigating the Impacts of Droughts Report to the Water Research Commission. Water Reseach Commission. Pretoria, South Africa. 

Xoxo S. 2021. Ecological infrastructure importance for drought mitigation in rural South African catchments: the Cacadu Catchment case example. Rhodes University.   

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Last Modified: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:29:16 SAST