
Rhodes>NbS4AfrRes>Our Team>RU_Matthew Weaver

Matthew James Thanduxolo Weaver

Rhodes University, South Africa

I am a sustainability scientist passionate about the restoration and management of Africa’s natural systems and wish to contribute to the development of sustainable and just use practices through social learning, capability and agency development. My research focusses on addressing social-ecological issues using a learning-centered and human capability strengthening approaches. I relish the challenge of working on these problems as they are typically complex, uncertain, involve multiple stakeholders with the potential for transformative outcomes that engender positive societal and environmental change. Social learning evaluation, equity in water allocation reform and water resource management curriculum design dominate my current academic focus. 

As a sustainability scientist working in complex social-ecological systems, I use multi- and transdisciplinary approaches and systems thinking to catalyse transformative social learning and build capacity required to address complex sustainability challenges. I have and continue to contribute to several linked transdisciplinary research processes related to social learning facilitation capacity development and evaluation, strategic adaptive management, governance, capability expansion, equity in water allocation reform and integrated landscape rehabilitation and planning. As is the nature of working in multidisciplinary teams, I act as a bridging agent, connecting diverse projects, enhancing multi and transdisciplinary research for improved social-ecological impact.

Current affiliation:
Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University. Researcher

2024-2027: ERASMUS+ NbS4AfrRes Project  

2021-2023: UKRI - ARUA Water Centre of Excellence: RESBEN Project  

2023-2025: Water Research Commission - Joint Ventures Project 

2020-2022: DFFE: NRM - Tsitsa Project

Publications and presentations:
Weaver MJT, Cockburn J, Mtati N and Palmer CG (2023). Transformative processes in a WEF nexus landscape: a case study of two vignettes from the Tsitsa Project. 

Palmer, C. G., Fry, A., Libala, N., Ralekhetla, M., Mtati, N., Weaver, MJT., Mtintsilana, Z., & Scherman, P.-A. (2022). Engaging society and building participatory governance in a rural landscape restoration context. Anthropocene, 100320. 

Weaver MJT, Ralekhetla M, Mtati N, Gusha B & Mti N (2021) Assessing the implications of COVID-19 for the facilitation of social transformative learning in rural communally-owned landscape contexts. In Kulundu-Bolus, I., Chakona, G. and Lotz-Sisitka, H. (Eds.). Stories of collective learning and care during a pandemic: Reflective research by practitioners, researchers and community-based organisers on the collective shifts and praxis needed to regenerate transformative futures. Grahamstown: Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures (TESF) and the Environmental Learning Research Centre (ELRC). 

Scheihing, K. W., Tanner, J., Weaver, M., & Schöniger, M. (2020). A strategy to enhance management of free basic water via communal taps in South Africa. Utilities Policy, 64, 101043. 

Weaver, M. J. T., O'Keeffe, J., Hamer, N., & Palmer, C. G. (2019). A civil society organisation response to water service delivery issues in South Africa drives transformative praxis. Part 2: Knowledge building, learning and active citizenship. Geoforum, 107, 14-23. 

Weaver, M. J. T., O'Keeffe, J., Hamer, N., & Palmer, C. G. (2019). A civil society organisation response to water service delivery issues in South Africa drives transformative praxis. Part 1: emergence and practice. Geoforum, 107, 1-13. 

Weaver, M. J. T., Hamer, N., O’Keeffe, J., & Palmer, C. G. (2017). Water service delivery challenges in a small South African municipality: Identifying and exploring key elements and relationships in a complex social-ecological system. Water SA, 43(3), 398-408. 

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Last Modified: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:29:24 SAST