

Project 3: Develop Standards for SETA Performance

This project will develop Performance Standards to be used in the assessment of SETA Performance.  It will be guided by the M&E Framework (Project 1), and by an evaluation of the existing performance assessment framework(s) in place, in particular the MPAT (Management Performance Assessment Tool). The Standards should be useful to the SETAs themselves, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), DHET (Skills Branch) and parties appointed, to assess the performance of SETAs in relation to the given and agreed upon frameworks. These assessments must enable SETAs and other roleplayers in the system to be accountable to stakeholders and in equal measure, to learn from the findings in order to increase their positive impact within their sphere of influence. This project is an opportunity to develop an aligned, implementable M&E framework that sees post-school education and training (PSET) as a system and supports systemic and institutional learning as much as accountability. Previous initiatives aimed at improving SETA performance and the assessment of SETA performance will be considered, and efforts made to overcome their limitations. This may need to include early on-boarding of all key roleplayers, and change management processes possible within the scope of the research chair. The standards could be broad enough to be also used in a future PSET landscape

Last Modified: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 13:11:47 SAST