

The members of GGC were participants in the Marie Curie IRSES project LIE-DIFF-GEOM (Jan 2013 - June 2016).


  • Claudiu Remsing will attend the 12th International ICMAT Summer School on Geometry, Mechanics and Control, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (July 2018).


  • Claudiu Remsing attended the Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications, Pilsen, Czech Republic (June 2017).


  • Rory Biggs and Claudiu Remsing attended the 7th European Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin, Germany (July 2016).
  • Dennis Barrett, Rory Biggs and Claudiu Remsing attended the 13th Conference on Differential Geometry and its Applications, Brno, Czech Republic (July 2016).
  • Dennis Barrett visited the University of Ostrava (June-July 2016).
  • Rory Biggs visited the University of Palermo (May 2016).
  • Rory Biggs and Claudiu Remsing attended the 4th International Conference on Lie Groups, Differential Equations and Geometry, Modica, Italy (June 2016).
  • Olga Rossi (University of Ostrava) visited the GGC (March 2016).


  • Jakub Dvorsky and Ondrej Kolouch (both from the University of Ostrava) visited the GGC (October 2015).
  • Claudiu Remsing attended the International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modeling, Istanbul, Turkey (June 2015).
  • Claudiu Remsing visited the University of Ostrava, the University of Debrecen and the West University of Timisoara (May-July 2015).
  • Rory Biggs visited the University of Ostrava, Obuda University and the University of Debrecen (May-June 2015).
  • Dennis Barrett and Catherine Bartlett visited the University of Ostrava and the University of Debrecen (May-June 2015).
  • Vera Ferdianova and Zuzana Vaclavikova (both from the University of Ostrava) visited the GGC (April 2015).
  • Olga Rossi (University of Ostrava) visited the GGC (February-March 2015).


  • Ondrej Kolouch (University of Ostrava) visited the GGC (October-November 2014).
  • Rory Biggs and Claudiu Remsing attended the 2nd International Conference on Lie Groups, Differential Equations and Geometry, Palermo, Italy (July 2014).
  • Dennis Barrett, Rory Biggs, and Claudiu Remsing attended the 13th European Control Conference, Strasbourg, France (June 2014).
  • Dennis Barrett visited the University of Ostrava and the University of Debrecen (May-June 2014).
  • Rory Biggs visited Obuda University,  the University of Debrecen and the University of Palermo (April-July 2014).
  • Claudiu Remsing visited the University of Reading, the University of Ostrava, Obuda University, the University of Debrecen, the West University of Timisoara and the University of Palermo (May-July 2014).
  • László Kozma (University of Debrecen) visited the GGC (March-April 2014).
  • Tomas Milkovszki (University of Debrecen) visited the GGC (January-July 2014).
  • Zoltán Muzsnay (University of Debrecen) visited the GGC (January-February 2014).


  • Claudiu Remsing attended the 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Toulouse, France (September 2013).
  • Claudiu Remsing attended the 12th Conference on Differential Geometry and its Applications, Brno, Czech Republic (August 2013).
  • Ross Adams and Rory Biggs attended the XVth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, Varna, Bulgaria (June 2013).
  • Ross Adams visited the University of Reading (June 2013).
  • Claudiu Remsing visited the University of Debrecen, the West University of Timisoara and the University of Palermo (June-July 2013).
  • Rory Biggs visited the University of Debrecen (March-June 2013).


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Last Modified: Fri, 11 May 2018 16:20:03 SAST