
Rhodes>Mathematics>News and Events>SAMS 2018>Special Session - Functional Analysis and Operator Theory

Special Session - Functional Analysis and Operator Theory (FAOT)

This session is open to contributions from participants working in all areas of functional analysis, operator theory and related topics (broadly interpreted). E.g. operator theory, operator algebras, abstract harmonic analysis, spectral theory, and all areas of topological vector spaces. Contributions on applications of functional analysis to related topics (e.g. probability theory, ergodic theory) are also welcome.
If you would like to present your work in this session, please send your title and abstract by e-mail to Sanne ter Horst ( by November 1 at the latest. Please use the prescribed template for your title and abstract:

Session organizers:


Last Modified: Fri, 28 Sep 2018 09:14:38 SAST