
Rhodes>Linguistics and Applied Language Studies>People>Mark de Vos>The RU Open Source Syntax Module/ Syntax Course

RU Open Access Syntax 1 Module

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Rhodes University Open Access Syntax 1 Module © 2024 by Mark de Vos is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

This syntax module for Linguistics 1 students is available for anyone to use. The module is provided as a resource  by Prof. Mark de Vos (Rhodes University  It is primarily intended for tertiary-level lecturers of syntax. Copyright resides with Mark de Vos and all rights are reserved.  Rights to use the learning materials or portions of them are granted to for non-commercial and educational use and subject to acknowledgement of the author in reference list and on front page of all derivative material.

Please note that the contents of the folder may change from time to time and are updated on an occasional basis.  The module is designed with a particular group of students in mind: for first-year students at Rhodes University who are educationally, socially, linguistically and ethnically diverse but who are located in a common learning context in South Africa and who do not necessarily share English as a L1. There may be errors in the materials and users need to check to ensure that the learning materials are suitable for their own students and contexts.  Mark de Vos takes no responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of the materials.  As a responsible person, you choose to use the materials responsibly and appropriately for the common good. 


Last Modified: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:09:21 SAST