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Lilian Ngoyi Hall Community Engagement

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On the 9th and 23rd of May 2015, students from Lilian Ngoyi Hall started the first leg of a planned long-term Community Engagement project with the Raglan Road Day Care Centre.

In collaboration with the Community partners, the students identified the need to assist with refurbishing the exterior walls of the Day Care Centre and to replenish the old vegetable gardens.

On both days, the students travelled across town to dig, turn-in compost, water seedlings and to sandpaper and paint old walls. In almost no time at all, the students had started to help turn the old drab building and neglected gardens into a vibrant and productive space conducive to the wellbeing of the children, staff and community at large.

Come the Second Semester, there are more plans afoot to continue with the painting and gardening projects.