Professor Muhammed Haron, from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Botswana, discussed comparative approaches to regionalism at Rhodes University’s Ruth Mompati Seminar Room in the Department of Political and International Studies on 04 May 2018.
In his talk, Haron specifically drew comparisons between two middle power nation-states, South Africa and Malaysia, since they have both played critical roles in their respective regions over the past two decades.
Haron examined the nation-states by locating them within their distinct corresponding regional structures, as well as reflecting on their connectedness within the vast Indian Ocean Rim that connects them geographically and historically.
He further explored Malaysia’s status as a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN, est.1967) and South Africa’s position as a member of the Southern Africa Developing Community (SADC, est.1980).
The focus of Haron’s seminar was to comparatively assess Malaysia and South Africa’s approaches towards regionalism, highlighting both their similarities and their differences.
Haron holds a PhD in International Relations from Rhodes University, a Doctorandus degree in Semitic Studies from the Free University of Amsterdam, a BA Honours in Semitic Studies from the University of South Africa, a Master of Social Science degree in Religious Studies from the University of Cape Town, a BA Honours degree in Religious Studies from the University of Cape Town, and a BA degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies from the University of Durban-Westville.
Haron is currently a visiting Professor in the Department of Political and International Studies at Rhodes University.