

Updated information for the November examination period

The purpose of this notice is to reconfirm the agreement made between representatives of the SRC, EFF, BSM, SASCO, Purple Fees, Non-aligned students, DASO, NEHAWU, NTEU and Rhodes University Leadership on Friday 23 October 2015 and to update the University Community on further arrangements.

As per the SMS sent to all students on the evening of Sunday, 25 October 2015, no examinations will take place on Monday 26 October 2015.

Examinations will commence on Friday 30 October 2015, as per the published timetable which can be viewed here: November Examinations Timetable 2015

All academic facilities were opened from Saturday 24 October 2015.

The library will be open 24 hours per day during Swot Week. During the examination period (30 October 2015 – 27 November 2015) opening hours are as follows:

Monday- Thursday









- As agreed practical and oral examinations scheduled during Swot Week are being renegotiated with students. Information about changes is available here Nov 2015 Swot Week timetable changes. This list will be updated as soon as dates have been finalized, please refer back if the dates you require are not yet available.

- In acknowledgement that the disruption has impacted on study time, supplementary examinations will be available for all courses on application.

- No supplementary examination fee will be levied.

- Results of the supplementary examination will be awarded in percentages and not with Pass or Fail symbols.

Fees help desk

A fees help desk will be open in Eden Grove from Wednesday, 28 October 2015 onwards, from 09h00 -13h00.

Any student with queries about fees and their payment for 2016 should come to the help desk.

Counselling Services

The Counselling Centre is open and appointments may be made as usual.

The crisis line for psychological emergencies is available 24 hours per day on the following number 082 803 0177.

Study venues

Additional venues, including dining halls, will be available for study purposes.

Rhodes University is committed to assisting students as they prepare for their end of year examinations. We will do everything possible to ensure that our students succeed.

If students have any queries regarding the upcoming examinations please contact your Faculty Dean.

Frequently asked questions and answers are available here: November Examinations 2015 FAQs

Supplementary examinations

The University committed, that in acknowledgement that the disruption impacted on study time,  supplementary examinations will be available for all courses on application. There will be no supplementary examination fee levied.

Supplementary examinations are available to all students who sit for the November examinations and who fail or do not achieve their true potential as a result of the disruption. Students are required to apply for supplementary examinations so that they University can cater for the correct number of students. For example, print the correct number of examination papers and set enough desks for each subject. 

Results of the supplementary examination will be awarded in percentages and not with Pass or Fail symbols on students’ final results.

Aegrotat examinations

Aegrotat exams are offered to students who on account of illness//injury or for any other reason acceptable to Senate (See General Regulations Rule G.39.2) are not able to write the November examinations.

Other reasons for an aegrotat would include the serious illness or death of a near relative at the actual time of the examination. In such a case, evidence of the circumstances should be attached in support of the application. Applications must be made no later than ONE WEEK from the date of the Examination missed.   Regardless of the nature of the illness or other cause, Senate may decline to grant an aegrotat examination.