

Rhodes celebrates PhD graduation record

Rhodes University celebrates a new University record of 75 PhD degrees at six graduation ceremonies over the next three days starting today (Thursday 09 April 2015) until Saturday, beating the previous record of 71 in 2014.

The University also celebrates a new record of 16 PhD degrees for the Faculty of Humanities from the previous record last year of 12 PhD degrees.

Speaking at the 1820 Settlers National Monument in Grahamstown this morning, Vice-Chancellor, Dr Sizwe Mabizela said the third largest Faculty of Science has produced more PhDs than all other five Faculties combined. He congratulated the Dean and staff of Faculty of Science.

He said a total of 2 298 students who will graduate, 54% (or 1 244) will obtain undergraduate Bachelor’s degree and 1 054 will receive postgraduate degrees and diplomas.

In 2014, Rhodes University graduated a total of 2 367 students, a University record so far. In 2013 a total of 2 288 students graduated. The University still maintains the best graduation rate among South African universities.

Of the total 2 298 graduates in 2015, 61% are women a slight increase from 60% last year and 23% are international students up from 21% in 2014.

In five of the six ceremonies, Rhodes will confer honorary doctorates on individuals who have shown leadership and made contributions to various sectors in society such as Bra Hugh Masekela, Adv Thuli Madonsela, Dr David Koloane, Dr Saleem Badat and Prof Frances Lund.

By Zamuxolo Matiwana