

World Aids Day at Rhodes

The first day of December is World Aids Day, and Rhodes University will be marking the occasion with a full programme of events on the Drostdy Lawns, starting at 13h00. All of the activities and events are free and are open to both members of the University staff and members of the community.

The HIV and AIDS epidemic, which has wreaked a devastating toll in South Africa, also poses a significant challenge to the functioning of Higher Education institutions, and Rhodes University is no exception. Rhodes is particularly vulnerable, as its location within Makana places it squarely in an extremely deprived district. In addition, the Eastern Cape is one of the poorest provinces in the country.

Rhodes University renewed its commitment to the implementation and the communication of its policies following the release of the HIV Prevalence 2008-2009 Higher Education Sector study. The HIV/AIDS Committee established by the University is encouraging initiatives that support staff and students, and in this way it is increasingly enhancing its HIV/AIDS interventions.

Red and white posters declaring 'R.U. Positive – Celebrate Life!' are advertising the commemoration of World Aids Day on 1 December, and as well as providing awareness in the form of entertainment, the day will see the culmination of various processes which have been taking place over the course of the year.

Dr Saleem Badat, Vice-Chancellor of the University, will be launching the updated Grahamstown Health, Wellness and Social Services Handbook. This is a resource providing information on professionals, institutions and organisations which promote not only health and wellbeing, but also provide a range of social services in the Grahamstown community. This handbook will become a valuable resource which allows residents to locate and access resources and services available to them.

In addition, The Rhodes University Peer Supporters will be available to speak about their work on the campus. The Peer Supporters are staff members who fulfil a voluntary role and who are committed to promoting a wellness ethos among Rhodes staff members and the community in general. The peer-support programme to which they are dedicated looks to empower individuals, providing access to information on HIV/AIDS in general and, more specifically, information regarding systems and policies at Rhodes University with respect to the above.

Ubom! Eastern Cape Drama Company, who is affiliated with the Rhodes University Drama Department, will be presenting an updated version of their work-shopped production, 'HUSH'. The play has been reworked based on the latest HIV research and on forum theatre experiences with different members of staff. As can be seen in the production, these experiences highlighted controversial social issues which contribute to the spread of HIV. Additionally, the lack of support for people living with HIV is highlighted.

Ubom! is well known for creating theatre that is both dynamic and taboo-breaking, and the company has among its goals those of community upliftment and conscientisation.

The band SunshiP will be playing on the Drostdy Lawns from 12h00 for those who want to enjoy their lunch in the open air. SunshiP is a Grahamstown-based blues-rock trio who play a mix of updated blues standards and original Eastern Cape-inspired songs with lyrics by local poet Robert Berold.

There are further AIDS Awareness events taking place on campus, among which are the “Positive Living” photo exhibition, displaying images of people living positively with HIV, which can be seen in the Rhodes University Main Library.

Both the Psychology Department and the School of Journalism & Media Studies have exhibitions of AIDS-related work, and there will be readings from literary texts featuring AIDS in the English Department Honours Room between 14h00 and 15h00 on 1 December.

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