
Rhodes>Jobs>Choose Rhodes>Lifestyle>Parental benefits

Parental leave and benefits

Beyond the legislative requirements for maternity leave, Rhodes University offers generous maternal and paternal benefits for the birth of a child, adoption and fostering of a child.

The provision of parental benefits and leave for the staff of Rhodes University is situated within a framework of recognising:

  1. Different family patterns of our society and as an employer seeking to respect such differences through the provision of suitable parental benefits;
  2. That more often than not women bear the dominant responsibility for child-rearing and that this does impact on a woman’s career. In this regard, the framework attempts to provide women with opportunities for balancing these multiple responsibilities; and
  3. The interplay between work and family responsibilities and trying to promote a healthy balance and therefore well-being of staff.

Benefits and leave may (this is subject to length of employment and nature of employment) include:

  • Ensuring that the staff member continues to receive a full salary for 5 months by “topping up” what the Unemployment Insurance Fund does not cover
  • Providing an extra month’s leave
  • Allowing staff to take a further month from their other leave allotments
  • Providing paternal or partner leave (i.e. for the other parent who is not the primary care-giver) for 10 working days
  • Where both partners are employed at Rhodes University for at least one year[1], they may make a choice as to who utilises maternity and paternity benefits, subject to legal requirements regarding the mother.

Please note that there are specific conditions related to eligibility of staff and you are therefore encouraged to read the full policy to familiarise yourself with these conditions. The policy can be found below:

Parental Leave Policy

[1] Whether this has been in a permanent or temporary capacity (full-time or part-time),

Last Modified: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 12:22:17 SAST