
Rhodes>JMS>Student Resources>How we communicate

How we communicate

Academic queries

JMS1: Dr Nonhlanhla Ndlovu

(JMS1 tutorial queries: Ms Belinda de Lange)

JMS2: Dr Taryn Isaacs de Vega

JMS3: Mr Simon Pamphilon

JMS4: Mr Brian Garman

JMS Honours: Dr Kealeboga Aiseng

JMS Masters: Dr Chikezie Uzuegbunamt

JMS PhD: Prof Lorenzo Dalvit

Postgraduate Diploma in JMS: Ms Gill Rennie

Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Journalism: Mr Ryan Hancocks

Postgraduate Diploma in Media Management: Ms Anna Weekes


Marks, leave of absence (LOA), essay extensions, general queries, serious queries: Ms Belinda de Lange

Using JMS equipment: Ms Zino Zondani



Many of the courses offered in the School make use of this online course management system. It’s used as a platform for housing course materials, you can be required to post assignments on it and it will often be used to provide you with feedback about your work. It is likely that at some point you will have to learn how to use it, but fortunately it is very simple. You can access the system at http://ruconnected. or alternatively at studentzone/ by following the link under ‘Academic’. Note that you need to use your email username and password to log onto RUConnected. Also, for most courses, you will be automatically enrolled.



Checking your email is also a daily responsibility. Lecturers will email important announcements and some will send lecture notes to you. If you are having problems accessing your email it is up to you to contact the IT Division to have it fixed. In the meantime, check with a fellow student what emails have been circulated from the School.


Lecturers’ consultation times

Lecturers have details of their consultation times on their office doors or in the course handouts. You may email them if you need to make an appointment to meet with them. Lecturers will often specify in the course handout how they would prefer to communicate with you. You should make the effort to meet and talk to your lecturer about course content and any queries you have about essays and exams.


The administration manager and School secretary

The admin manager and the secretary administer students’ records, essays, leave of absence and registration etc. Please note that you can consult with the Administration Manager in the mornings only, from 8.30 to 12.30pm, while the Secretary may be contacted during office hours.


Year co-ordinators

Each year is co-ordinated by a staff member who takes responsibility for class meetings, exam co-ordination, class records, class reps, option choices and lecture venues. If your concerns or queries are about the overall year programme, this is the person to talk to.


Head of School

Most matters can be discussed with lecturers and the course co-ordinator. If you have tried these channels and still would like to meet with the Head of School (Dr Jeanne du Toit), you may request an appointment via the secretary.



Last Modified: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 18:15:26 SAST