


Sponsor: Sasol Research and Development
Leader: Dr WJ Muller
Staff: Mr AK Gordon, Dr N Griffin, Dr R Tandlich, Ms N Ketse, Mr TJ Human
Duration: July 2007 - June 2009

Aims and Objectives

 Previous surveys undertaken on the Leeuspruit, a stream in Sasolburg, suggest that in-stream environmental degradation has taken place, although neither the full extent of this degradation nor the exact causes have been established. A recent assessment of potential effects as a result of a change in operation at Sasol (Closed Ash Loop project) indicates that further in-stream degradation is possible. However, the ecological significance of changes in water quality and possible changes in instream biota are not fully understood. This proposal is to undertake a baseline survey of the instream invertebrates and diatoms, in order to develop a significantly larger research proposal which seeks to develop a tiered approach for an appropriate site-specific monitoring programme, at different levels of biological organization and response levels, for the Leeuspruit in order to better understand the ecological processes and ecological significance of changes in water quality to the stream.

Last Modified: Fri, 14 Aug 2015 10:49:29 SAST