Neil Griffin

Current position: Research officer
Address: Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University, PO Box 94, Grahamstown, 6140
Tel: +27 46 603 7694
Qualifications: PhD (Botany), University of Cape Town
Dr Griffin undertakes research in the broad area of environmental water quality management. As such, his research areas encompass three aspects of environmental water quality: water chemistry, assessment of resource quality using biological indicators, and toxicological assessment of resource or effluent quality. Research undertaken includes some contract research or consulting undertaken for a range of companies, but is more commonly applied research addressing problems and challenges faced by the water sector nationally.
Some representative publications are listed below:
Libala N, Griffin N, Nyingwa A & Dini J 2022. Freshwater ecosystems and interactions with the SDG 2030 Agenda: implications for SDG implementation in South Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science 2022, 47(3) (2021 Impact Factor 1.577)
Griffin N.J., Muller W.J. & Gordon A.K. 2020. Toxicity testing: ecological relevance and relative efficacy and costs of toxicity tests in the South African context. Water SA 46(2) 259–266. (2020 Impact Factor 1.247)
Vellemu E.C., Mensah P.K., Griffin N. & Odume O.N. 2018. Derivation of scenario-specific water quality guidelines for acid mine drainage in South Africa, using a risk-based approach. African Journal of Aquatic Science 43(1). (2017 impact factor 0.67)
Griffin N.J. 2017. The rise and fall of dissolved phosphate in South African rivers. South African Journal of Science;113(11/12), Art. #2017-0020 (2017 impact factor 0.96)
Vellemu E.C., Mensah P.K., Griffin N.J., Odume O.N., Palmer C.G. & Dowse R. 2017. Using a risk-based approach for derivation of water quality guidelines for sulphate. Mine Water and the Environment 1 8. (2017 impact factor 1.28)
Last Modified: Thu, 28 Sep 2023 11:12:41 SAST