

Makana Water Forum and the IWR host Makhanda Water Tour.


The tour part at Ntsika high School
The tour part at Ntsika high School

During the week of 11 Nov 2019 the Makana Water Forum and the Institute for Water Research hosted a Makhanda water tour for a delegation of German, Ethiopian and
South African researchers visiting Rhodes. The group are exploring ways of
designing and measuring the impact of, transformative research (research
that aims to positively transform complex societal and environmental
problems). Makhanda's water system and its management during the current
water crisis were used as a real example of a complex and problematic

The tour visited the James Kleinhans Water Treatment Works (Pic 1),
Mayfield Waste Water Treatment Works (Pic 2) and Ntsika High School (Pic
3,4,5). At each site, a municipal worker guided us around the site
answering any questions we had (Mzwanele at the James Kleinhans and James
at Mayfield Sewage Works). At Ntsika High School, principal Madeleine
Schoeman and teacher Hilton Adonis (Pic 4) shared how the school had
adapted to the water crisis, largely with the help of a borehole, treatment
and tank system supplied by the Gift of the Givers.

Cllr Ramie Xonxa and the MLM Health and Safety Officer, Khotso (Surname?)
assisted in organising the tour as well as providing insight into
management developments in response to the water crisis (Pic 4). It was
encouraging to hear that the Water Crisis Joint Operating Committee
(comprised of local, provincial and national stakeholders and officials) is
now meeting weekly to strategise and advise on navigating the water crisis.

On the whole, the trip was informative but also a sobering reminder that
almost all of Makhanda's water supply rests on the Eastern System. A system
dependant on water from the Fish and Orange Rivers, both of which are under
immense pressure from other users and drought.

James Kleinhans Water Treatment Works

Pic 1

Mayfield Waste Water Treatment Works

Pic 2

Ntsika High School

Pic 3

Ntsika High School

Pic 4

Ntsika High School

Pic 5