

The Hydrology Unit represents IWR at the IAHS-2022 Conference


From left to right: Mr. Sinethemba Xoxo, Prof. Denis Hughes, Dr. Jane Tanner, Dr. David Gwapedza, Mr. Sakikhaya Mabohlo, and Ms. Harriette Okal.
From left to right: Mr. Sinethemba Xoxo, Prof. Denis Hughes, Dr. Jane Tanner, Dr. David Gwapedza, Mr. Sakikhaya Mabohlo, and Ms. Harriette Okal.

As a conclusion to the Panta Rhei decade (2013-2022), the XI Scientific Assembly of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS 2022) was held in Montpellier (France) from May 29 to June 3, 2022. A group of students and staff from the Hydrology Unit were in attendance. All the representatives successfully presented parts of their research in different workshops and sessions that focused on the subject and its interfaces with other scientific fields and societal challenges. Robust ideas from the unit were presented in high-level panel discussions and plenary sessions to steer the conversation towards increased inclusivity of the African continent in terms of partnerships and collaborations as the IAHS ushers in a new decade.