

Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa's (EEASA) 2021 online conference.


Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa's (EEASA) 2021 online conference.
Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa's (EEASA) 2021 online conference.
Various members of the IWR were involved in the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa's (EEASA) 2021 online conference from the 21st to the 24th of June 2021. EEASA is lead by members from the Environmental Learning Research Centre (ELRC) and the conference was hosted in collaboration with the Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE).
Oral presentations included: Learning about building the foundational capabilities for land and water governance in the Tsitsa River Catchment. In which Anthony Fry presented on behalf of the Tsitsa Project's Governance Community of Practice (Matheboho Ralekhetla, Ntombekhaya Mti, Bukho Gusha, Nosiseko Mtati, Matthew Weaver, Notiswa Libala and Carolyn Palmer). The presentation discussed the evaluation of capacity development initiatives associated with the Tsitsa Project. 
The IWR's involvment also included two round table discussions. The first was entitled Boundary breakers: Round Table: Case study of a multi-level online course in the environmental science-social-learning space. Here Matthew Weaver joined Prof Eureta Rosenberg, Morakane Madiba and Ludwig Chanyau in a vibrant discussion on the boundary breaking design features and evaluation process of the recently completed Training of Trainers Course. This course was facilitated online and sought to build the social learning and stakeholder engagement capabilities of actors practicing in Natural Resource Management contexts. 
In the second round table Matthew and Mateboho Ralekhetla shared lessons learnt from facilitating learning interventions for environmental monitors before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Tsitsa Catchment. This round table was entitled: Catalysing and facilitating learning for sustainability in diverse landscapes. Round Table: Case study of a multi-level online course in the environmental science-social-learning space. They shared the discussion with other learning projects from different contexts in South Africa. The discussion was a rich melting pot of experiences and proved to be highly engaging.