

Andrew Ali represents IWR and AWaRMN at the SASAqS 2022 Conference


Andrew Ali
Andrew Ali

The manufacture of plastics has been one of the most useful inventions of humans. However, the increased production rate, low recycling rate, and lack of plastic degradation have created a sizeable problem, bringing about the accumulation of plastics in the environment at an alarming rate from the poles to the equator and from the depths of the oceans to the peaks of mountains.

As a Rhodes University's Institute for Water Research and the African Water Resource Mobility Network (AWaRMN) representative, Andrew Ali attended the 59th Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists (SASAqS) 2022 Conference in Bloemfontein, Free State Province. On 30th June 2022, Andrew successfully presented part of his master’s degree research. By examining the role hydraulic biotopes play in the colonization of macroinvertebrates on plastic substrates, he highlighted the ecological impact of plastic pollution on freshwater biodiversity, and the need for reducing, reusing and recycling plastic properly.

Andrew's participation in the conference provided him with an opportunity to share ideas, learn and network with students and professionals from other Southern African institutions and beyond.