
The Water & Land Resource Centre at Addis Ababa University specialises in natural resource management, restoration and development research.
University of Dar es Salaam CoE partners are hydrologists with extensive surface water modelling experience. Other expertise includes hydro-dynamics, geohydrology, remote sensing, environmental change and Integrated Water Resource Management.
University of Cape Town CoE partners bring expertise in urban water management, and includes the team from the Future Water Institute which uses transdisciplinarity to address technical and socio-economic aspects of Integrated Water Resource Management.
University of Rwanda CoE partners lead the NEPAD Centre of Excellence in Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management (CoEB) specialising in aquatic ecology, applied entomology and conservation.
Makerere University CoE partners are water quality and pollution control specialists, with skills across agricultural & biosystems engineering, climate change, hydrology, remote-sensing, evapotranspiration, water quality and Integrated Water Resource Management.
Cheikh Anta Diop University CoE partners specialise in applied hydrology and Integrated Water Resource Management. The University includes a Water Doctoral School.
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Centre for Water Resources Research specialises in both physical and social hydrology, water resource management, land use science, agrometeorology and sustainability science.
University of Sheffield (UoS) CoE partners bring expertise in Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering (water quality and integrated urban water systems).
University of Lagos CoE partners specialise in water quality including the fate and transfer of contaminants in surface and groundwater, wastewater and water pollution engineering and analysis.
Lancaster University CoE partners bring expertise in water governance, natural resource management and gendered livelihoods.
Last Modified: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 10:41:09 SAST