

Vanessa Speight


University of Sheffield


Tel: +44 114 222 0259
Cell: +44 771 780 7676
Twitter: @vanessa_speight
Personal research website:


B Eng, Civil Engineering                     McGill University, Canada

MS, Environmental Engineering           University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

PhD, Environmental Engineering          University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Research Interests:

Water quality, urban water networks, water and health, drinking water quality, water distribution, intermittent water systems.

Research Field:

Water Engineering

Short Biography:

Vanessa Speight is Professor of Integrated Water Systems in the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering at the University of Sheffield, focusing on water quality and innovation in urban water systems. She is Managing Director of TWENTY65, the EPSRC-funded Grand Challenge Centre for Water with 6 universities and 100+ industrial collaborative partners working across the water cycle to develop flexible and synergistic solutions to meet future challenges for water. With over 25 years of experience in the water industry, she has worked with more than 70 water utilities across North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia and is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health.

Last Modified: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 15:32:56 SAST