

Ahamada Zziwa


Makerere University


  • BSc. Agricultural Engineering (Specialisation - Soil and water Engineering) (Makerere University)
  • MSc. Forestry (Specialisation - Timber Engineering) (Makerere University)
  • PhD Civil Engineering (Specialisation - Materials) (Makerere University)

Short Biography:

Dr. Ahamada Zziwa is a male Ugandan aged 45 years. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Bio-systems Engineering, Makerere University since 2018. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering, M.Sc. Forestry and a B.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering all from Makerere University. He did short trainings notably: climate change adaptation in agriculture and natural resource management, personal mastery and soft skills. He has been actively involved in teaching, research and outreach activities since 2001. Over the last 15 years, he has spearheaded research and development projects mainly in East Africa. He has over the years won and successfully managed research and consultancy projects with a strong bearing on agriculture, post-harvest and renewable energy technology development, resources recovery from agricultural waste and climate change mitigation with impactful results (technology products, Graduate Students, Publications and multi-stakeholder capacity building). For the last 12 years, Dr. Zziwa has facilitated and or documented a number of high level program and or project strategic planning and or training workshops for organizations undertaking Research, Training and community Development within Africa and beyond.


Phone: +256772636253 /+256701636233
Linkedln: ahamada-zziwa
Personal research website:
Google Scholar:

Research Interests:

  • Soil and Water Engineering
  • Renewable energy research and technology development
  • Sanitation Engineering
  • Rainwater harvesting systems and technologies
  • Material Science and technology

Last Modified: Mon, 24 Aug 2020 16:12:51 SAST