Editorial Team 2025
David Attwell
Gail Fincham
Tony Voss
Reviews Editor: Minesh Dass
Editorial Assistants:
Eva Kowalska
Rachel Matsha
Editorial Board
Aghogho Akpome (University of Zululand)
Alannah Birch (University of the Western Cape) Minesh Dass (University of Johannesburg)
Fiona Moolla (University of the Western Cape)
Sam Naidu (Rhodes University)
Aretha Phiri (Rhodes University)
Daniel Roux (University of Stellenbosch)
Andrew van der Vlies (University of Adelaide) Dan Wylie (Rhodes University)
Publications Manager Carol Leff
The journal is committed to ensuring that it publishes material free of research misconduct. To this end it asks that authors named on the manuscript should:
The journal undertakes to ensure that:
Guidelines for Authors
Manuscripts should be typed in 1.5 spacing (including notes, references and quoted matter), and should be arranged to conform with the system for parenthetical documentation set out in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (eighth edition). Contributors are urged to familiarize themselves with the conventions of this style, and to note that the Editor reserves the right to return any manuscript accepted for publication to its author for re-formatting.
Submissions are reviewed anonymously by members of English in Africa’s Editorial Board and other prominent scholars.
Please submit manuscripts electronically (in Word format) via e-mail to: englishinafrica@ru.ac.za.
Contributors affiliated to South African academic institutions are advised that a publication fee will be levied against the DHET subsidy that their article attracts.
This fee is R150 per page.
Books for review should be addressed to:
The Editor English in Africa
Institute for the Study of the Englishes of Africa
P.O Box 94
Rhodes University
6140 Makhanda
South Africa
Submitting your work
Submissions may be sent to englishinafrica@ru.ac.za or isea@ru.ac.za
Copyright and Access
English in Africa is listed in the Journal of Commonwealth Literature Annual Bibliography, the MLA International Bibliography, and is indexed by the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences.
The journal is distributed electronically by JSTOR, Gale Publishing, EBSCO, Sabinet Online, African Journals Online (AJOL), the Literature Resource Centre on the Thomson Gale (Cengage) platform and ProQuest (Chadwyck-Healey). These publishing partners also operate document-forwarding services, which ensure broad academic exposure for research that appears in the journal.
Both JSTOR and the Sabinet Gateway Project are contracted to archive full runs of English in Africa, and the journal has an online presence in tertiary and secondary institutions in the United Kingdom through the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC).