

English in Africa

bbin宝盈集团 English in Africa

English in Africa, founded in 1974, is a scholarly journal with a focus on original research on African writing in English.

The Editor invites contributions on all aspects of English writing and the English language in Africa, including oral traditions and other South African languages in translation. While English in Africa specialises in publishing previously unpublished or out-of-print literary materials, it also publishes scholarly articles, reviews and review articles, tributes, book reviews, and editorials. It places a particular emphasis on new or under-researched areas in African literature, and has tended to favour historical rather than theoretical modes of inquiry.

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Publication information

English in Africa is published three times a year by the Institute for the Study of the Englishes of Africa (ISEA), based at Rhodes University in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown).

Annual subscription for 2025:

Africa: R460.00 (including postage and VAT) / add R100/issue if courier is preferred
Overseas: $125.00 or £73.00 (including Forex charges)
Airmail – please add $40.00 or £20.00

Payments can also be made directly into the Rhodes University bank account:

Bank: First National Bank
High Street, Makhanda
Branch Code: 210717
Account Holder: Rhodes University
Account no. 62145503076

Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

REF: NSBI100032 (followed by your surname)


English in Africa is available in electronic and print format by subscription. Individual articles can be downloaded via the following databases, amongst others:

Academic OneFile (on EBSCOhost)

African Journals Online (AJOL)



  cover of English in Africa 50.1


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Last Modified: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 20:40:34 SAST