

Inaugural Internationalisation Awards: A Success!


‌Inaugural RU Internationalisation Winners 2014

The Rhodes University International Office would like to congratulate the winners of the 2014 INTERNATIONALISATION AWARDS!


  • Professor Roddy Fox: Geography
  • Professor Sunitha Srinivas: Pharmacy 


‌Their achievements were honoured at a celebratory function on 3 December. Dr Sizwe Mabizela presented the winners with trophies. Both winners gave insightful presentations on how internationalisation is incorporated into their academic endevours.

The Internationalisation Awards seek to acknowledge a individuals who have incorporated Internationalisation within their Research, Teaching and Learning and Community Engagement. The awards are accompanied by a grant to be used towards Internationalisation in their ongoing work. The awards will be presented annually.  


  1. Endeavours to internationalise curriculum content.
  2. Uses the diversity of international students in class to broaden the perspectives brought to bear on any topic.
  3. Motivates for the department, school or institute to host international faculty and applies for the resources to bring them to teach in the department.
  4. Organises international conferences and symposia at RU or elsewhere.
  5. Teaches on courses at institutions abroad.
  6. Holds a position at another university e.g. Guest Professor, Visiting Lecturer, Research Fellow.
  7. Encourages students to go on exchange.
  8. Successfully motivated for bi-lateral agreements with partner institutions
  9. Engages in international research partnerships.
  10. Is an active member of international networks in his/her field.
  11. Presented at International conferences.
  12. Published in International Journals.
  13. Demonstrated commitment to Open Access (Berlin Declaration).
  14. Holds honorary positions internationally (e.g. Visiting Professor).
  15. Successfully motivated for the granting of RU honorary positions to international staff.
  16. Encouraged students to participate in and attend “Internationalisation at Home” activities, displays, events, seminars, teach-ins, colloquia, summits organised by departments, schools and institutes, staff organisations, student societies or the International Office.
  17. Participated in “Internationalisation at Home” activities, displays, events, seminars, teach-ins, colloquia, summits organised by departments, schools and institutes, staff organisations, students societies or the International Office.
  18. Has undertaken to learn a South African language, if coming from outside South Africa.
  19. Has undertaken to learn an international language, if a South African citizen.