

Institutional Research, Planning and Quality Promotion

Rhodes>Institutional planning unit

Overview of IRPQP

The Institutional Research, Planning & Quality Promotion division (IRPQP) at Rhodes University is one of the support divisions of the University within the office of the Vice-Chancellor. The division reports directly to the DVC: Academic and Student Affairs.

The core functions of the division include coordination of institutional planning, institutional research and reporting functions as well as quality promotion coordination as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Broad Functions of IRPQP

Figure 1: Broad Functions of IRPQP


Some of the key responsibilities of the IRPQP include:

  • reporting to the DHET, CHE and other external entities
  • coordinating quarterly and annual reporting on the development aspirations of the University (IDP, ITP, APP)
  • developing IDP-linked operational plans
  • supporting the development of academic workload guidelines for departments
  • facilitating the development and review of policies
  • organising and providing support in the reviews of departments and academic programmes/qualification
  • provide support in the institutional audits

Last Modified: Tue, 07 Jun 2022 08:53:47 SAST