

Graduation Newschevron_rightAll

Rhodes University strongly condemns illegal disruption of its operations and the academic programme

Rhodes University strongly condemns the disruptive actions that took place earlier today, instigated by a small group of individuals with thinly veiled anarchic motives. Such actions interfere with the core academic mission of the University and undermine the rights of students and staff to learn and work in a stable, safe and conducive environment.

Rhodes University celebrates fivefold increase in Bachelor Passes at local no-fee schools

Rhodes University’s Community Engagement (RUCE) Office hosted a welcome cocktail event for first-year mentees of the Nine-Tenths programme, marking a major milestone in the University’s efforts to transform education in Makhanda.

Rhodes University researchers find hidden treasures in archival MeerKAT observations

A group of researchers from the Rhodes University Centre for Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technologies (RATT), in partnership with collaborators from the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), Observatoire Paris Meudon, the Breakthrough Listen Initiative, the University of Oxford, the University of Cape Town, and other institutions, have established a project to mine the MeerKAT telescope’s archive for previously overlooked transient radio sources. Their first two finds are being published by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Green skills to help nature repair itself are scarce: what Rhodes University academics are doing to train more experts in South Africa and Senegal

Africa’s population is growing. This means more landscape change and development of supporting infrastructure. Ecosystems are under pressure, made worse by natural disasters induced by climate change.