Research Publications 2019
1) Howarth, GH, Büttner, SH (2019) New constraints on archetypal South African kimberlite petrogenesis from quenched glass-rich melt inclusions in olivine megacrysts. Gondwana Research, 68, 116-126.
2) Prevec, SA (2019) Igneous Rock Associations 23. The Bushveld Complex, South Africa: new insights and paradigms. Geoscience Canada, 45, 117-135.
3) Moore, AE, Helmstaedt H (2019) Evidence for two blue (type IIb) diamond populations. Matters Arising, Nature, 570, E26-7.
4) Howarth, GH, Moore, AE, Harris, C, van der Meer, QHA, le Roux, P (2019) Crustal versus mantle origin of carbonate xenoliths from Kimberley region kimberlites using C-O-Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes and trace element abundances. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 266, 258-273, .
5) Chan, EKF, Timmerman, A, Baldi, BF, Moore, AE, et al. (2019) Human origins in a southern African palaeo-wetland and first migrations. Nature, 28 October 2019.
6) Gess, RW, Clement, AM (2019). A high latitude Devonian lungfish, from the Famennian of South Africa. PeerJ, 7:e8073 DOI 10.7717/peerj.8073
7) Fontanarrosa, G, Abdala, F, Kümmell, S, Gess, RW (2019) The manus of Tetracynodon (Therapsida: Therocephalia) provides evidence for survival strategies following the Permo-Triassic extinction, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 38:4, (1-13)
8) Tanner, B, McDonald,I, Harmer, RE, Muir, DD, Hughes, HSR (2019) A record of assimilation preserved by exotic minerals in the lowermost platinum-group element deposit of the Bushveld Complex: The Volspruit Sulphide Zone. Lithos, 324-325, 584-608.
9) McFall, K, McDonald, I, Tanner, B, Harmer, RE (2019) The mineralogy and mineral associations of platinum-group elements and precious metals in the Aurora Cu-Ni-Au-PGE deposit, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex. Ore Geology Reviews, 106, 403-422.
10) JS Marsh, D. Phillips, BE Lock (2019) 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Klinghardt and Stalhart Phonolites, Namibia, and Comments on the Evolution of the Klinghardt Volcanic Field. Communications Geological Survey of Namibia, 20.
11) RJ Roberts, KD Lehong, AEJ Botha, G Costin, FC De Beer, WJ Hoffman, CJ Hetherington (2019) Clinopyroxene megacrysts from Marion Island, Antarctic Ocean: evidence for a late stage shallow origin. Mineralogy and Petrology, 113, 155-167.
12) KC Johannessen, N McLoughlin, PE Vullum, I Thorseth (2019) On the biogenicity of Fe-oxyhydroxide filaments in silicified low temperature hydrothermal deposits: Implications for the identification of Fe-oxidizing bacteria in the rock record. Geobiology, 1-23.
13) Y Qu, N McLoughlin, M van Zuilen, M Whitehouse, A Engdahl, V Vajda (2019) Evidence for molecular structural variations in the cytoarchitectures of a Jurassic plant. Geology, 47 (4), 325-329.
14) N McLoughlin, EG Grosch, PE Vullum, P Guagliardo, M. Saunders, D Wacey (2019) Critically testing olivine-hosted putative martian biosignatures in the Yamato 000593 meteorite? Geobiological implications. Geobiology, 17, 691-707.
15) AA Mitchell, R Scoon, MJ Sharpe (2019) The Upper Critical Zone in the Swartklip Sector, north-western Bushveld Complex, on the farm Wilgerspruit 2JQ: II. Origin by intrusion of ultramafic sills with concomitant partial melting of host norite-anorthosite cumulates. South African Journal of Geology, 122 (2), 143-162.
16) R Scoon, MJ Viljoen (2019) Geoheritage of the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa: a uniquely exposed layered igneous intrusion. Geoheritage, 11, 1723-1748.
17) RN Scoon, AA Mitchell (2019) Discussion of “Oxygen isotope and trace element compositions of platiniferous dunite pipes of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa - Signals from a recycled mantle component?” by Günther, T., Haase, K.M., Junge, M., Oberthür, T., Woelki, D., and Krumm, S. Lithos, 324-325, 893-898.
18) BJ Fairey, MJ Timmerman, M Sudo, H Tsikos (2019) The role of hydrothermal activity in the formation of karst-hosted Manganese deposits of the Postmasburg Mn Field, Northern Cape Province, South Africa. Minerals, 9 (408), 1-28.
20) A Papadopoulos, I Tzifas, H Tsikos (2019) The potential for REE and associated critical metals in coastal sand (placer) deposits of Greece: A Review. Minerals, 9 (469), 1-20.
21) F Thibon, J Blichert-Toft, F Albarede, J Foden, H Tsikos (2019) A critical evaluation of copper isotopes in Precambrian Iron Formations as a paleoceanographic proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 264, 130-140.
22) Rasmussen, B., Muhling, J., Tosca, N.J. and Tsikos, H. (2019) Evidence for anoxic shallow oceans at 2.45 Ga: Implications for the rise of oxygenic photosynthesis. Geology, 47 (7), 622-626.
23) I Tzifas, A Papadopoulos, P Misaelides, A Godelitsas, J Gottlicher, H Tsikos, PN Gamaletsos, GL Luvizotto, AG Karydas, M Petrelli, M., F Noli, VKantarelou, A Kontofakas, AG Hatzidimitriou (2019) New insights into mineralogy and geochemistry of allanite bearing Mediterranean coastal sands from Northern Greece. Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry, 79, 247-267.
24) B Rasmussen, J Muhling, JW Zi, H Tsikos, WW Fischer (2019) A 1.25 Ga depositional age for the “Paleoproterozoic” Mapedi red beds, Kalahari manganese field, South Africa: New constraints on the timing of oxidative weathering and hematite mineralization. Geology, 2019, 1-5.
25) Y Van Breugel, KA Cowan, H Tsikos (2019) Geochemical study of weathered coal, a co-substrate for bioremediation of South African coal discard dumps. Minerals, 9 (772). 1-15.
Last Modified: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 10:39:56 SAST