
Rhodes>Founders' Hall>Honour Boards

Honour Boards

The following awards will be instituted each year in the following areas:

    • Academic Excellence
    • Excellence in Community Engagement
    • Excellence in Arts & Culture
    • Excellence in Sports
    • Most Valued Members (MVM)
    • Dean of Students’ Leadership Awards

1.            Academic Excellence Awards

The principle underlining instituting the Academic Excellence awards is to encourage and reward academic excellence among students in Founders’ Hall. The phrase, ‘making academic excellence trendy’ is concerned with the need to encourage students to take a healthy and positive approach to their academics. The awards are to reward and encourage academic excellence—a primary reason for coming to the university. Rather than focusing on a ‘lone star’ in the Hall, the awards will be made at various levels in recognition of the achievements of as many students as possible, without devaluing the objective of encouraging excellence. For this reason, the awards will be guided by the framework that the university uses in awarding Half-Colours, Colours, and Honours. In addition, awards will be made to the top academic in the Hall for each year and the top academic of each residence.

Welcome Dinner

In line with the above, the following awards will be made and announced at the Welcome Dinner in each year using the full-year academic results for the preceding year:

a)      Distinguished Academic Excellence Award: This award is the equivalent of the award of ‘Honours’ at the university level. Specifically, the award will be made to students of Founders’ Hall who in the preceding year, achieved Distinction (First Class; 75% and above) in all the papers they wrote.

b)      Academic Excellence Award: This awardwill be made to students of Founders’ Hall in line with the University‘s guidelines for an award of “Colours”. Specifically, the award will be made to students—other than recipients of the DAE award—who in the preceding year’s final results received:

    • A First in at least half of the papers written, but not less than Upper Second in the others.
    • Not less than an Upper Second (70% or more) average in the papers written.
    • But must not have failed any paper (i.e., score less than 50% in any paper) or have a DP refused.
    • Hall Top 10 – Academic: These awards will be made to the top 10 academic students in the hall, based on the final academic results for the previous year.
    • Top 3 residences
    • Top students for each academic year
    • Academic Achievement Award: This award will be made to students of Founders’ Hall in line with the University’s guidelines for an award of “Half Colours”. Specifically, the award will be made to students—other than the recipients of the earlier two awards—who in the preceding year’s results received:



Academic Awards

These awards are made to students of Founders’ Hall and are based on the current year’s June examination results.

Top three residences –1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Residences

Academic Certificates / Awards are given out to top 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Academic Students

An overall academic trophy is given out to the best residence for the June exams

An overall academic trophy is given out to the best overall student for the June exams

An overall student is elected for the Dean of Students Leadership Award, a Certificate and trophy is given.

Academic Awards Committee

The academic award for the “Best Academic Residence of the Year” shall be made by a committee composed of the following:

    • The Hall Master or his nominee
    • At least two Wardens
    • At least two male Sub-wardens
    • The Senior Student of each residence.

The awards for all the other categories shall be made by each residence and vetted by the Academic Awards Committee.

Excellence in Community Engagement Awards

The Excellence in Community Engagement awards will be made to the students in Founders’ Hall who achieved excellence in Community Engagement in the preceding year. As in the case of the Academic Excellence awards the objective is to reward and encourage. The following awards will be made:

a)      Community Engagement Student of the Year Award: This award will be given to one student in Founders’ Hall, who in the estimation of the Hall Awards Committee is judged to be the top contributor to Community Engagement for the year.

b)      Community Engagement Excellence Award: This awardwill be made to students of Founders’ Hall who were nominated for a University level Community Engagement award. This determination shall be at the discretion of the Hall Awards Committee.

c)       Community Engagement student of the Year Award (Residence Level): This award will be made to a student in each residence who, in the estimation of the House Committee of each residence, is judged to be the top contributor to Community Engagement for the year.

The Excellence in Community Engagement awards will be presented at the Leavers’ Dinner in each year.

Excellence Arts & Culture Awards

The Excellence Arts & Culture awards will be made to the students in Founders’ Hall who achieved excellence in Art and Cultural activities in the preceding year. As in the case of the Academic Excellence awards the objective is to reward and encourage. The following awards will be made:

a)      Arts & Culture student of the Year Award: This award will be given to one student in Founders’ Hall, who in the estimation of the Hall Awards Committee is judged to be the top contributor to Arts and Culture for the year.

b)      Arts & Culture Excellence Award: This awardwill be made to students of Founders’ Hall who represented the university in an art or cultural activity. This determination shall be at the discretion of the Hall Awards Committee.

c)       Sportsman of the Year Award (Residence Level): This award will be made to the Sportsman of the Year in each of the residences in the Hall. This determination shall be made by the House Committee of each residence.

The Excellence in Sports awards will be presented at the Leavers’ Dinner in each year.

Hall Awards Committee

The committee shall make all sports awards listed above, except for the awards for the residence-level Sportsman of the Year. The committee shall be made up of the following:

    • The Hall Master or his nominee
    • At least two wardens
    • The Sports Representatives from each of the Founders’ Hall residences, and
    • The Hall Sports Representatives

The committee will make the awards based on nominations it receives from the residences.

Congratulations & Special Thanks

Give 5 Awards – Dean of Students Pocket Fund – Special Awards.

2.            Excellence-in-Sports Awards

The Excellence-in-Sport awards will be made to the students in Founders’ Hall who achieved excellence in sports in the preceding year. As in the case of the Academic Excellence awards the objective is to reward and encourage. The following awards will be made:

d)      Sportsman of the Year Award: This award will be given to one Sportsman and one Sportswoman in Founders’ Hall, who in the estimation of the Sports Awards Committee is judged to be the top sportsman/sportswoman of the year.

e)      Sporting Excellence Award: This awardwill be made to students of Founders’ Hall who were members of their national or the provincial teams. This determination shall be at the discretion of the Hall Sports Awards Committee.

f)       Sportsman of the Year Award (Residence Level): This award will be made to the Sportsman of the Year in each of the residences in the Hall. This determination shall be made by the House Committee of each residence.

The Excellence in Sports awards will be presented at the Leavers’ Dinner in each year.

Hall Awards Committee

The committee shall make all sports awards listed above, except for the awards for the residence-level Sportsman of the Year. The committee shall be made up of the following:

    • The Hall Warden or his nominee
    • At least two wardens
    • The Sports Representatives from each of the Founders’ Hall residences, and
    • The Hall Sports Representatives

The committee will make the awards based on nominations it receives from the residences.

3.            Most Valued Members Award (for contribution to residence life)

This award will be made to students, in the various residences, who in the estimation of the respective House Committees contributed significantly to a high quality of residence life, helped to maintain good residence spirit, were generally supportive of their colleagues in residence. These activities may include contribution to facilitating sporting achievements in the residence.  The awards will be made by members of each House Committee. Not more than three of such awards may be made for each residence in any one year. Students to whom the award is made shall not have had any disciplinary record of more than 5 hours of Compulsory Service or its equivalent in the year for which the award was made. The awards will be presented at the Leavers’ Dinner.

Dean of Students Leadership Award

The Dean of Students Leadership Award is given to a student for leadership, extraordinary extramural achievement and involvement in community engagement. See criteria document.



Last Modified: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 14:28:49 SAST