bbin宝盈集团 » Programmes Offered » Postgraduate


Entrance requirements and application procedure

Postgraduate: Prospective postgraduate students should contact the Head of Department for information regarding their application. 

Honours in Art History (BA Hons)

Students who have completed an undergraduate degree with a major in Art History & Visual Culture and obtained good results for this subject may apply for entrance into Art History Honours studies. Students study three course components (or ‘papers’) each a semester in length, and write a long research essay of approximately 12 000 words.

Master of Fine Art (MFA)

Students who have completed BFA studies with good results may apply for entrance into Master of Fine Art (MFA) studies. This degree is by practice as research and candidates prepare an exhibition of original artworks accompanied by a supporting mini thesis. There is also an MFA option in Curatorial Practice which caters specifically for candidates looking to develop their capacities and understanding of professional curatorial practices. A candidate is required to curate an exhibition (rather than producing an exhibition of own work) in an established art museum/gallery and to develop a thesis of between 25 000 and 30 000 words exploring the theme and curatorial approach.

Master of Arts in Art History (MA)

Students who have completed a BA Honours in Art History or a BFA with good academic results may apply for Master of Arts studies in Art History. The degree is by thesis only.

Doctorate in Art History (PhD)

Candidates who have completed MA studies with good results may apply for PhD studies. The degree is by thesis.

Last Modified: Tue, 25 Feb 2020 10:52:27 SAST