’Time for Justice’: Interesting new project

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Early Career Researcher Position
Early Career Researcher Position

The SARChI Chair: Global Change and Social Learning Systems in the Environmental Learning Research Centre at Rhodes University, is pleased to announce its participation in an exciting new project titled ’’The Times of a Just Transition’

This project forms part of an innovative, and prestigious global convening programme established by the British Academy to support researchers world-wide to give time to consider critical issues at global level in conversation with each other over a three year period.
Led by Professor Keri Facer from Bristol University in the UK, the BA project brings together scholars from six continents and 14 disciplines, to critically and creatively consider, from different disciplines and angles the meaning(s) of temporality in the Just Transition.  ’The Times of a Just Transition’  project explores the role of temporal frames in enabling and impeding democratic and equitable transitions towards sustainable futures. The project seeks to to transform our understanding of the role of time and timing in producing justice and injustice in sustainability transitions. 

Working in highly diverse local sustainability struggles relating to land, cities, identities and the imagination - the project team will explore how temporal frames and narratives are being (mis)used to define climate problems and solutions, how timing mechanisms prioritise, coordinate and exclude different actors and ways of life, how different rhythms of life are being aligned or alienated, and how uses of time as a form of invisible power are structuring the possibilities for justice for communities in the Global South and marginalised North.

It is anticipated by researchers in the programme that increased awareness and understanding of these timing mechanisms will expand our political and civic capacities to detect sources of misalignment and miscommunication, lay new foundations for dialogue across difference, and open-up the possibility of a pluriversal politics.

One of the three South African projects - led by Distinguished Professor Heila Lotz-Sisitka, will explore ’Time for Justice’ and will explore the role of possibility knowledge(s) and time for meaning making in expansive learning processes in mediations of the Just Transition in the Eastern Cape. 

The Eastern Cape is an interesting space for researching Just Transitions with its multi-layered histories, and contemporary spaces where Just Transitions are / ought to be playing out i.e. in the energy sector, the food systems sector and in the transport sectors.  The first TimeLAB for this international group will be held in the Eastern Cape, at Rhodes University in September this year. 

An exciting post-doctoral position is opening up within the framework of this project.

Application deadline: 31 March 2023

Read More Early Career Researcher Position