Makhana BookDashX

Rhodes>Faculty of Education>bbin宝盈集团

Illustration from book: What came first? The chicken or the egg?
Illustration from book: What came first? The chicken or the egg?

From 26 - 29 August 2021, CSD launched the Makhanda BookDashX project in collaboration with Amazwi South African Museum of Literature. The project was put together in celebration of CSD's 40 year anniversary this year. 

Teams of writers, editors, translaters, illustrators and designers worked together to develop more than 20 children's books. We had volunteers from all walks of life, highschool students to university students, professors to administrators. The project was a HUGE success. 

CSD is very grateful for all the hardwork and support shown by the volunteers. A special thanks to Amazwi South African Museum of Literature for the use of their venues and dedication to the project, as well as Heléne and the fantastic journalism design students. 

To download the completed stories in PDF Format Click here: /csd/resources/childrensbooks/storybooks/ 



Click here to read the Grocotts Article about the BookDashX event! : Grocotts Mail 03.09.2021