High five for the high impact supplementary school

Rhodes>Faculty of Education>bbin宝盈集团

As a strategic intervention to help matriculants to either pass Matric or improve their passes and enter the tertiary education environment, the High Impact Supplementary School (HISS) has met its mandate  to renew a sense of hope and an optimistic “can-do” attitude among the learners.

At the closing ceremony, Ms Ziyanda Bukwana, the head student coordinator of the HISS, reminded learners about the importance of self-discipline: “It is

up to you now, think of where you want to be if you feel demotivated.” Sincere thanks from a representative on behalf of each of the five subject classes revealed the benefits all learners had seen through the intervention.

“It was thought risky to hand the management of the HISS over to students,” said Dr Ashley Westaway, the Director of GADRA. “But our head coordinator and four facilitators were selected

carefully and proved more than capable.”

“In addition to the five students who were available to help and support the learners at all times during the school hours, there were other people who worked hard behind the scenes to ensure that the HISS was able to deliver the enabling learning experience intended. Ms Di Hornby, the Director of Community Engagement, was an invaluable support in terms of logistics and transport while Ms Charmaine Avery, the conferencing and events manager, ensured that the learners did not study on empty stomachs.”

Addressing the learners, Dr Westaway wished them everything of the best as they headed off to write exams: “The reason we arranged the HISS is that we believe in you and we believe in your ability. Remember in the difficult times leading up to the supplementary exams that you have qualified because you are very close to the next level. So  take motivation from this and do everything that you can to reach out and grab that prize that is within your reach.”

In closing, Di Hornby added her thanks to Dr Westaway: “We partnered with Ashley because we thought he had such a brilliant idea; but he designed the school and it is his idea and I think he has done  an extraordinary job. We are blessed in Grahamstown to have a human being like Ashley looking after the young people, so thank you Ashley.”

Supplementary exams were written during March and we await the results of the HISS learners.