National Geography Olympiad

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Mandy Ladd (HOD Geography St Andrews), Euan Stokes and Di Wilmot (Dean of Education, RU)
Mandy Ladd (HOD Geography St Andrews), Euan Stokes and Di Wilmot (Dean of Education, RU)

The third National Geography Olympiad took place during Term 2, with over 1 300 learners participating from 72 schools across South Africa.

Professor Di Wilmot, representing the South African Geography Olympiad committee, presented the Olympiad certificates to two St Andrew’s boys who won awards.

James York and Euan Stokes received Platinum certificates for finishing in the Top 1% and a book prize of a Shuters Top Class Geography Dictionary Grades 10,11,12.

Congratulations on the fine achievement of both James York (3rd place) and Euan Stokes (Joint 7th place) in SANGO 2019!


Image: Professor Di Wilmot presenting Mr Euan Stokes with his award with his teacher Ms Mandy Ladds, the HOD of Geography