Dr Nkomo is Nurturing Reading at the Primary School Level

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DD Siwisa Primary School in Grahamstown
DD Siwisa Primary School in Grahamstown

From 2014 to 2016, Dr Anna Nkomo, a newly appointed member of the academic staff in the Education Department, conducted her PhD research on instilling and nurturing reading for pleasure in the Foundation Phase at D D  Siwisa Primary School


On completion of her research, Dr Nkomo with the help of Biblionef, donated 223 books to the school. Bibliobnef is a book donation non-profit organisation based in several countries: South Africa, France, Dutch Caribbean, Flanders, Surinam and Ghana.


In 2018, the school, located in Extension 6, in Grahamstown, had 585 learners and 16 educators. One of the challenges it faces is that it does not have a library or a secure place where the books can be kept that is also accessible for the learners.


Through the combined efforts of Dr Nkomo (Rhodes University) and Regina Kuratle (College of Education PHBern, Switzerland), the school has recently received a donation from Berne University of Teacher Education which will be used to start a school library.


Dr Nkomo is to be commended on producing knowledge that has had a material impact on practice at the school where she undertook her study.