Consultation with SETA M&E roleplayers

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Consultation with SETA M&E roleplayers
Consultation with SETA M&E roleplayers

Some 50 skills and evaluation specialists gathered at the ServicesSETA in Parktown on 12 June 2019 to discuss proposals to streamline the SETAs' monitoring and reporting system, and strengthen SETA evaluations and their use. This initiative led by Rhodes University is funded by BANKSETA and ServicesSETA, with support from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the National Skills Authority (NSA). 

M&E plans and reflections are now included in Sector Skills Plans and this opportunity to strengthen the role of M&E in SETAs' strategic planning, was welcomed by the participants. SETAs' M&E and plannning staff productively used time set aside during the meeting to work on and refine this component of their SSPs with facilitators Mike Ward and Khotso Tsotsotso. For the presentation around which the consultation and workshop was structured, follow this link. The scoping and other research reports on which the recommendations shared at the meeting are based, can be found here.