CHERTL PhD scholar presents her work at James Madison University, USA

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From left to right: Dr Oris Griffin, Bella Vilakazi, Associate Professor Besi Muhonja and Professor and Dean Mark L'Esperance
From left to right: Dr Oris Griffin, Bella Vilakazi, Associate Professor Besi Muhonja and Professor and Dean Mark L'Esperance

CHERTL PhD scholar presents her work at James Madison University, USA

Bella Vilikazi’s PhD is looking at the ways in which feedback on students’ work can open the doors of learning or keep them firmly shut. Her narrative approach to data collection is emerging in a rich collection of stories which offer academics significant insights.

In December 2019, Bella was invited to present her work as a seminar to faculty and PhD scholars at James Madison University in Virginia, USA.  Bella provided participants with an overview of her study and initial findings, she explained the dimensions of a narrative inquiry and how these dimensions guided her data collection and the process of development of the students’ stories of their experience of feedback.  The participants engaged robustly with Bella’s study and were especially interested in the social justice theoretical framing. 

It is clear that while the problems we experience as educators may play themselves out in different ways across the world, we share common concerns and benefit from sharing our experiences.

It is wonderful to have Bella sharing her work in this way and we look forward to hearing more about her ongoing collaborations with the institution.

Among faculty members who came to Bella’s presentation were Dr Dara Hall, Dr Oris Griffin, Mr Jason McClain, Assistant Professor Choshi Modjadji, Associate Professor Besi Mohonja, Dr Beverly Cheryl and Provost Dr Heather Coltman