
Rhodes>Environmental Sustainability>Policy>Thought Provoking Questions


Thought provoking questions to stimulate discussion and debate linked to the Environmental Sustainability Policy directives

  • Where can I park my bicycle? ... at this Department/Building/Residence
  • Is there a water fountain nearby to refill my water bottle? 
  • Where is this building’s recycling station located?
  • How are the smallest of our everyday decisions impacting on our future generations? 
  • When/Who/How can we attach our building gutters to the grey-water tank? 
  • What oil is used for deep-frying in this dining hall? Is it sustainable?
  • How much of the food in our dining hall is locally grown and sourced?
  • Have our fluorescent bulbs been replaced with LED?
  • Is this purchase locally sourced? And is there an alternative environmentally-sustainable option or practice/action
  • How is environmental sustainability included in this course?
  • How do we measure our water usage in our building?
  • How do we measure our electricity use? And can we reduce our usage in any way?
  • Why are we using single-use plastic at this event?
  • What can I do to help? 

Last Modified: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 11:43:37 SAST