


In enrolling for an Honours degree in Environmental Science at Rhodes University you will be signing up for a stimulating experience.  A solid co-operative relationship and team spirit will be the cornerstone of the Honours year, within the class, as well as between staff and students.  Selection criteria will include academic merit, group diversity and previous experience and therefore we expect and encourage our Honours students to learn not only from the lecturing staff, research supervisors, piles of library materials, but also from one another. 

Should you have any queries regarding the Honours curriculum, please contact the course co-ordinator, Prof Sheona Shackleton at  Please follow the link to access the 2015 Honours handbook

Honours in Biodiversity and Conservation.  A joint Honours degree in Biodiversity and Conservation is being offered with the Botany dept.  Candidates will have to complete three compulsory modules, an optional module selected from the other Honours level offerings in either of the two departments and a research project.  Course information


Last Modified: Thu, 08 Jun 2017 14:22:13 SAST