

2nd year wins 2015 CE award

Rhodes>Environmental Science>bbin宝盈集团

Angel Ancha Bulunga has been a member of the student volunteer programme since her first year at Rhodes. She has served as one of the student leaders at Home of Joy for the past two years, and in that time she has spear headed a well-planned and directed approach to academic support activities at the Home. Angel is often the first student to raise her hand to offer to assist in any given situation, including playing an instrumental role in recruitment and training of new volunteers. Angel leads by example to her fellow volunteers. Her vision for working towards a just and equitable society is never left in theory, but constantly applied to all situations. Angel applies critical thinking and genuine concern for social development in all her engagements, which prompts her to develop, critique and engage deeply with all aspects of community engagement, whether as a leader, volunteer and a citizen living in Grahamstown.  As an Alan Gray Fellow, Angel has been instrumental in the establishment of Existential Conversations with Inkululeko at Ntsika High School. Angel has taken seriously the call for young people to be part of driving the change they wish to see, leading her to propose what we hope will be the first university wide O-week community engagement drive in 2015. Thinking deeply about community engagement, Angel is working to conceptualize a means by which  first years are challenged to consider the meaning of being educated in an African institution committed to social development.