
Rhodes>ELRC>Research Projects>Teacher Education

Teacher Education


This Teacher Education thematic cluster includes flagship projects with partners across Africa and the globe, focused on developing ESD in policy, curriculum and teacher development.

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Sustainability Starts with Teachers

The Sustainability Starts with Teachers is a UNESCO sponsred capacity building programme for teacher educators on Education for Sustainable Development in Southern Africa.

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Fundisa for Change

Fundisa for Change is a collaborative national programme formed specifically to enhance transformative environmental learning through teacher education. 

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E-Learning as a Mediating Tool

This research considers E-Learning as a mediating tool to support interactive professional learning of teacher educators.

Downloadable E-Learning as a Mediating Tool Research Summary

Hand-Print Care Resources

Educational resources developed for teacher educators, teacher trainers and teachers, for use in supporting the training of primary and upper school educators

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The ELRC is host to the Eco-Schools Makana node, consisting of between 7 -15 schools from the Makana area.

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