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In South Africa, there is a burgeoning need to prepare margionalised youth to take advantage of the growing green economy. In particular the proposal seeks to respond to the following three areas of the UNICEF Green YOMA Learn2Earth project, notably the key knowledge gaps that exist in the following areas: 

  1. the translation of green skills into an inclusive green economy, 
  2. tangible economic opportunities for youth in the green economy and 
  3. sustainable investment models to support green growth. 


This project undertakes formative research to map four green L2E pathways for youth in the growing South African green economy.  These will be: 

  • Food security in green economy Learn2Earn pathways in rural areas
  • Water security / Clean Water in green economy Learn2Earn pathways in peri-urban catchments
  • Climate Action in green economy Learn2Earn pathways in urban areas 
  • Urban livelihoods construction in green economy Learn2Earn pathways in township economies 


As is the intention of the overall YOMA programme, this research will target NEET youth in South Africa. The project supports YOMA,  an innovative ICT tool and platform that aims to enable young people to develop critical skills needed in the South African labour market/green economy with potential to contribute to shaping a new generation empowered to address environmental crises, for example through citizen science monitoring of water and biodiversity resources, or more sustainable local food production, various forms of climate action, and / or livelihoods construction from repurposing / repairing and/or recycling type activities.  

This research contributes new knowledge and insight into the construction of YOMA credentials and how to combine them into meaningful Green Learn2Earn learning pathways. 

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Last Modified: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 14:34:15 SAST