

Taryn Pereira Kaplan

Taryn Pereira Kaplan
Short Biography:

Taryn Pereira is a transdisciplinary activist researcher, coordinator of the Coastal Justice Network, and country co-director of the One Ocean Hub. Her current research relates to the praxis of holding space for solidarity networks that enable closer, more reciprocal and more politically engaged relationships between marginalized coastal people and marine researchers. She is particularly interested in the role of researchers in enhancing the possibilities for meaningful participation of small scale fishers and other ocean defenders in ocean governance. 

Her publications list can be accessed at 

Recent journal articles: 

Pereira-Kaplan, T & McGarry, D. (2022).  Scholar activist solidarity in ocean justice movements in South Africa. NORRAG Special Issue #7.  Education in Times of Climate Change.

Erwin, K., Pereira, T., McGarry, D., Coppen, N. (2022). Lalela uLwandle: An Experiment in Plural Governance Discussions. In: Boswell, R., O’Kane, D., Hills, J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Blue Heritage. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

M. Sowman, J. Sunde, T. Pereira, B. Snow, P. Mbatha, A. James, (2021). Unmasking governance failures: The impact of COVID-19 on small-scale fishing communities in South Africa, Marine Policy, 133,

McGarry, D.,Weber, L., James, A.K., Kulundu, I., Ajit, S., Temper, L., Macintyre, T., Shelton,R., Pereira,T., Chaves, C., Kuany,S. Turhan,E., Cockburn,J., Metelerkamp, L., Bajpai,S., Bengtsson,S., Vermeylen,S., Lotz-Sisitka, H.B., Khutsoane, T. (2020). The Pluriversity for Stuck Humans: A queer, decolonial school eco-pedagogy. In Russell, J (Ed). (2021). Queer Ecopedagogies. (246 pages) Springer.  page183-216.

Hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-65367-5


Pereira Kaplan, T., McGarry, D. and Lupin, D. Online presentation: ‘Taking our time: consultation and Indigenous storytelling in South Africa’. Law and Humanities Roundtable 2022, 7th July 2022, Southampton Law School and online. 

Pereira-Kaplan, T. ‘Lalela Ulwandle’ - the story of an Empatheatre production and its contribution to coastal social movements in South Africa. TESF (Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures) ZA Hub National Conference, 28 November - 1 December 2022, Sea Point, Cape Town. ?

Pereira-Kaplan, T. Small-scale Fisheries and Blue Economy Challenges in South Africa: lessons in defending human rights and ocean well- being through extending the contours of inter-disciplinary collaborations. 4th World Small Scale Fisheries Congress. Lagoon Beach Hotel, 21 -23 November 2022, Cape Town.

Taryn Pereira and Dylan McGarry, 7 May 2021: Understanding and identifying Good Practices to Support Environmental Human Rights Defenders and their local communities in Africa" Presentation to UNEP consultation on Environmental Defenders – available here:

Taryn Pereira, 7 June 2021. ‘Small-scale Fishers and Ocean Well-Being: Vital Partners in Enhancing Biocultural Diversity, Human Rights and Sustainable Livelihoods’ Presentation at UN World Oceans Day Roundtable, available here:

Last Modified: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 09:57:57 SAST