

Kgomotso Thomas

Kgomotso Thomas
Kgomotso Thomas

Kgomotso Thomas previously worked as a high school science teacher for about 5 five years; and obtained her masters in Environmental Education from Rhodes University in 2019. Her masters research at the ELRC was focused on how professional learning communities can contribute to the development of teachers’ capabilities in teaching environmental content in Natural Sciences. She is currently working at GreenMatter, as a project coordinator for a Fundisa for Change project called Keep It Cool (KIC). Keep it Cool is a Climate Change Education programme that aims to utilise the education sector as a strategic resource in South Africa’s transition towards a more climate resilient society. The KIC project is working with secondary schools in KZN, Eastern Cape and Limpopo to address climate change through education, supported by multiple actors (Department of Education, Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Higher Education Institutions,  and parastals) at national, provincial and district level. Kgomotso’s is able to draw on her Masters research in her current work, using it to strengthen Climate Change education in the curriculum (in Geography and Natural Sciences), and using her knowledge of PLCs to support teachers and schools to implement curriculum-aligned climate change education projects.