

Transforming a new humanistic vision of global education into reality


 New humanistic vision of global education
New humanistic vision of global education

Source: Peace-Ed-Campaign.Org

On May 20, 2024, a virtual webinar on "Transforming a new humanistic vision of global education into reality" was co-hosted by the Global Campaign for Peace Education and NISSEM.

The webinar addressed the groundbreaking 2023 Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development which was adopted by all UNESCO Member States in November of last year. This visionary document updates, expands, and now supersedes the 1974 ??Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which sought to unite countries under a broad humanistic banner in which education becomes a driving force for global peace, international understanding, and human rights. The newly adopted 2023 Recommendation acknowledges education in all its forms (formal, non-formal, and informal) and throughout the course of life as a powerful force that shapes how we see the world and treat others. The text of the newly adopted Recommendation advances a detailed framework for transforming education in pursuit of lasting peace, human dignity, and social and climate justice. 

This special webinar brought together a group of international experts who explored the potentialities and challenges in converting the vision of the 2023 Recommendation into local, national and international realities. The presentations and discussions highlighted the different roles political leaders, civil society groups and international organizations can play in implementing key principles and priorities in the Recommendation.

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