

Primary School Teacher wins Best PhD Award!


Dr John Bhurekeni awarded SAERA 2023 Best PhD
Dr John Bhurekeni awarded SAERA 2023 Best PhD

John Bhurekeni, PhD graduate from the Environmental Learning Research Centre in the Faculty of Education, was recently awarded the South African Education Research Association best PhD award for 2023. 

The award was handed out during the gala dinner at the recent South African Education Research Association Conference hosted by the RU Faculty of Education.

John’s PhD focused on investigating and developing a socio-cultural Afrophilic orientation to Philosophy for Children. Using a community of inquiry approach in Sebakwe resettlement primary schools, John worked with children, teachers, parents and education officials to foster a critical and generative approach to mobilising heritage-based curriculum foundations in Zimbabwean primary schools.

His study developed a decolonial approach to Philosophy for Children that significantly expanded children’s critical reflexive thinking skills and teachers’ capability for creatively engaging heritage-based curriculum foundations in Zimbabwe.  Through this work, John also offers a subtle critique of rhetorical approaches to heritage-based curriculum foundations, arguing for situating these in the life-worlds of children and communities, at the same time mobilising higher levels of critical thinking and reflexivity amongst the learners.

Supervisor of the study, Distinguished Professor Heila Lotz-Sisitka says “This award is extraordinary. John is a primary school teacher, working in an extremely marginalized educational context, that of the resettlement schools in Sebakwe, Zimbabwe, and while working full time as a teacher, he produced this wonderful work”. 

Conducting his PhD part time while working, John authored seven peer reviewed papers, four of which were published by the time he submitted the study for examination.  Not only does his thesis contain the seven papers, but also an extended introduction and reflective conclusion. It also includes a reasoned engagement with the peer review of all of his papers which is exemplary. “Throughout, John’s research shows the highest level of integrity, care and rigour and a situated critical engagement shines through the work”, says Prof Lotz-Sisitka.

Criteria for the SAERA PhD award included theoretical contributions, methodological rigour, outstanding research quality, potential policy impact, and transformative intent. On all of these criteria, the study the study shows excellence.

We congratulate John on this award!  John will continue this work through a post-doctoral fellowship with the SARChI Chair of Global Change and Social Learning System.