
Rhodes>ELRC>bbin宝盈集团>Regional Centre of Expertise

Section CA



The Environmental Learning Research Centre (ELRC) functions as the Makana and Rural Eastern Cape Regional Centre of Expertise for Sustainable Development (RCE). We are a part of a worldwide network of such centres connected through United Nations University. As an RCEAfrican RCEs, we aim to promote environmental sustainable development in our region through partnering with local and regional stakeholders, building platforms for sharing information and experience, and encouraging education around sustainable development in institutions and professional environments.

As part of our strategy, we support the development and strengthening of vertical links within the education system (links between Universities-Secondary schools- Primary schools); horizontal links within the formal education system; and lateral links across non-formal education such as natural parks, museums, local government, and zoos etc. In addition, we contribute to the African Union agenda through the research-led revitalising higher education in Africa, including supporting Universities to work more closely with their communities. Through the development of innovative ways of collaborating among vertical, horizontal and lateral links, we hope to create and contribute to regional and local knowledge building.

In particular, the ELRC contributes to and assists with vertical alignment of curriculum from primary through University education, linking formal and non-formal sectors in our regional education community. The ELRC, like other RCEs in Africa, is linked to the Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in Africa partnership - a partnership led by United Nations Environmental Programme. As part of the partnership, we create innovative platforms for multi- stakeholder dialogues, which embrace interactions, collaborative learning and collective decisions towards sustainable development in a diverse group set up.

The Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development was proposed by the United Nations University in 2004. It is a network comprised of formal, informal and non-formal education institutions. RCE’s were acknowledged by the United Nations University on the basis of the Ubuntu Committee of Peers. The first 7 Centres were established in 2005 and thereafter the number grew rapidly with 23 in 2006, 56 in 2007, more than 60 in 2008. Currently there are 127 acknowledged RCEs worldwide.


Last Modified: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 13:34:16 SAST