DSAE Publications
- Dictionary of South African English: Corrected Edition (2023)
- Dictionary of South African English: Visual Edition (2022)
- Dictionary of South African English: Mobile Edition (2020)
- Dictionary of South African English (2014/19, online)
- Oxford South African Concise Dictionary (2010)
- South African Concise Oxford Dictionary (2002)
- Dictionary Skills Workbook (2002)
- Francolin Illustrated School Dictionary for Southern Africa (2001)
- Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles (1996)
- South African Pocket Oxford Dictionary (2002)
- A Dictionary of South African English (1978–1991)
Note: Some of these titles have since been updated independently of the DSAE.
Dictionary of South African English: Corrected Edition
The current Corrected Edition was published in March 2023. In this edition the dictionary project embarked on content updates across its 1.5?million?word text. bbin宝盈集团 which had originally been flagged as unassimilated into South African English now reflect as current usage based on updated linguistic evidence, and language names which had changed in the post-democracy officialisation of South African languages now display as such. In addition to updates to pronunciations, place names across the dictionary now reflect official names disseminated by the South African Geographical Names Council.
The full dictionary is accessible at dsae.co.za.
Dictionary of South African English: Visual Edition
In March 2022 the DSAE published a companion Visual Edition to make the Text Edition's unparalleled coverage of South African English available in graphical form, leveraging new data visualisation and data aggregation techniques. This dictionary gives full textual histories of 4600 South African English words including compounds, derivatives and evidential quotations, resulting in a total of 1.5 million words of running text.
The Visual Edition offers new insights into the evolution of South African English from its earliest sources in the late 1600s, before the concept of “South Africa” as a country existed. The dictionary is rendered visually through macro- and micro-visualisations including graphical overviews, visual navigation (via Language of Origin, Register, Part-of-Speech and Subject Category), plus infographics comparing the contributions of prominent authors to the documentation of South African English. Access the Visual Edition at visual.dsae.co.za.
Dictionary of South African English: Mobile Edition
The release of the Mobile Edition of the online Dictionary of South African English in March 2020 marked the completion of a major digitisation phase from early pilot online editions to a fully-fledged web application thoroughly adapted for Desktop and Mobile devices. The same advanced feature set is now available on both platforms, preserving advanced Desktop features and user experience that rescale seamlessly on Android and iOS.
Dictionary of South African English (online)
The complete A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles (see print edition below), released as a pilot edition in 2014, is now available online at dsae.co.za with free access.
Oxford South African Concise Dictionary (2nd ed.)
(Revision of South African Concise Oxford Dictionary)
Oxford University Press, 2010. Edited by the Dictionary Unit for South African English. ISBN-10: 0195982185; ISBN-13: 9780195982183
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With its exceptional clarity, accuracy, and ease of use, this second edition of the South African Concise Oxford Dictionary is the acknowledged authority on South African and general English for study, professional use, and at home. It is the most up-to-date South African English dictionary available, giving particular support on many questions of usage and grammar, and now containing a unique encyclopedic reference section.
Key features:
- Exceptional coverage including new loan words (jihadi), words from IT (keylogger), medicine (HAART), and local fauna and flora (couta)
- The most up-to-date South African and general English dictionary so you don't have to wonder what a flash mob or a happy letter is
- Intriguing word histories give you insight into how "a little worm" came to mean "bright red" (see vermilion)
- Thousands of word origins, reflecting the sources of South African and World English
- The best all-round reference for high school and university students, libraries and enquiring users of English
South African Concise Oxford Dictionary
Oxford University Press, 2002. Edited by Kathryn Kavanagh, Dorothea Mantzel, Tim van Niekerk, Jill Wolvaardt and Madeleine Wright. ISBN 0 19 571804
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The South African Concise Oxford Dictionary is a modern dictionary for South Africa. It is based on the 10th edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary, customised for the South African public. In addition to a broad range of World English words, and literary, technical and scientific terms, it includes over 1 500 items of South African English. Common words such as howzit, takkie and lekker, and informal expressions such as make a plan, hold thumbs and pick up stompies, are to be found in the dictionary. So too are names of southern African peoples and languages (Venda, Xitsonga), local plants and animals (buchu, toktokkie, dorper), acronyms (ANC, NEPAD, PE), dated and historical terms (Book of Life, black spot, Mfecane), local food (monkeygland, bobotie, morogo), traditional culture (amakhosi, inyanga, hlonipha), music and the arts (goema, kwaito), and many more.
From very early days English has absorbed vocabulary from the many languages throughout the world with which it has had contact. In South African English words from Afrikaans and African languages are regularly used in spoken and written contexts without gloss or explanation and it is not always easy to decide whether they have been assimilated or not. The South African Concise Oxford Dictionary includes words which have been used in South African English for over a hundred years, often much longer, including stoep, erf, veld, muti and bonsella, as well as more recent adoptions such as bosberaad, ubuntu, lekgotla and makoti, whose position in the language is less firmly established.
A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles
Oxford University Press, 1996. Edited by Penny Silva, Wendy Dore, Dorothea Mantzel, Colin Muller and Madeleine Wright. ISBN 0 19 863153 7
This title, which is out of print, is now available online at dsae.co.za.
The result of the most extensive and detailed research ever undertaken into the history of English in South Africa, A Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles documents the English language as it has developed within all of the country’s communities. Coverage extends from the sixteenth century up to 1995, providing fascinating information about South African history, as well as revealing the unique character of the country’s multilingual and multicultural society.
This authoritative historical record features 47 000 citations illustrating 5 000 entries which cover all forms of the written word, historical and contemporary, as well as the spoken word of broadcasting and everyday conversation.
The entries include words derived from the many languages which have influenced English in South Africa, namely Dutch, Afrikaans, and the Malayo-Indonesian, Indian, Khoisan, Nguni and Sotho languages. Many everyday words are defined, such as indaba, bakkie, robot and brinjal.
The language of the townships is featured (mellow yellow, spaza and stokvel) as well as local music vocabulary (kwela, mbaqanga and sakkie-sakkie), mining terms (cocopan, cheesa-stick, mine-dump and blue-ground), and entries on the official language of apartheid such as group areas, endorse out and immorality.
Read the Preface.
Francolin Illustrated School Dictionary for Southern Africa
Maskew Miller Longman, 2001 second edition (first edition Francolin Publishers, 1997). Edited by Dorothea Mantzel and Bernd Schulz. ISBN 1 86859 015 1
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The Francolin Illustrated School Dictionary for Southern Africa was developed especially for senior primary pupils in southern Africa for whom English is an additional language and the language of learning. The lexicographers worked closely with several English second language consultants during the writing process, and trial material of the dictionary was piloted in six provinces amongst approximately 600 pupils. Some key features include the following:
- bbin宝盈集团 3 500 entries
- Clear definitions take into account the language abilities of the target users
- All words used in the definitions and example sentences have their own entries (i.e. a limited defining vocabulary)
- Almost 5 000 example sentences show how the words are used in context
- More than 800 key terms from science, social studies and other subjects are included
- South African English words and meanings are explained
- Parts of speech, irregular plurals, verb forms and comparative and superlative forms are given
- Easy-to-follow pronunciation guidance is given
- More than 300 drawings clarify and reinforce meaning
- Contains exercises for developing and enhancing dictionary skills
- Appendices include useful lists such as days of the week, months of the year, numbers, and shapes.
Dictionary Skills Workbook
Maskew Miller Longman, 2002 (first edition Francolin Publishers, 1999). By Bernd Schulz and Dorothea Mantzel. ISBN 0 636 04850 0
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This workbook is designed to be used by learners with the Francolin Illustrated School Dictionary. All the exercises have been carefully planned to:
- help learners become familiar with the contents of the dictionary
- develop general dictionary and reference skills
- teach learners basic English spelling and grammar rules
A Dictionary of South African English
Oxford University Press, four editions, 1978–1991. By Jean Branford. ISBN 0 19 570595 5
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First published in 1978, Jean Branford’s dictionary was written in the hope that it would both instruct and delight. Now in its 4th edition, it contains many South African English words and definitions supported by lively quotations illustrating their use. For these Dr Branford drew extensively on the research which she and Prof. William Branford had been carrying out for a number of years. The book’s 412 pages illustrate the richness and diversity of South African English and have certainly informed and entertained many a reader since its publication.
Dr Branford’s research was also the foundation of the larger Dictionary of South African English on Historical Principles published for the DSAE by Oxford University Press in 1996.
South African Pocket Oxford Dictionary
Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, 2002 (First and second editions edited by WRG Branford). ISBN 0 19 578058 2
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Prof. William Branford first adapted the Pocket Oxford Dictionary for South Africa in 1987. The second edition, published in 1994, reflected the increasingly rapid expansion of World English vocabulary and also changes in South Africa and its languages in the early 1990s. The 3rd edition of 2002 was not prepared by Prof. Branford but some of his text remains.
Last Modified: Thu, 28 Dec 2023 16:48:17 SAST