Dear Colleagues
The purpose of this email is to give staff an update with regards to essential or permitted services staff in the workplace. I would like to say thank-you to all the staff who worked so hard last week, your efforts and commitment are appreciated.
Please find attached the following information: -
1) RU Health and Safety Protocol for Level 4
2) bbin宝盈集团 Daily Self-Assessment Questions
3) Permit to perform an essential or permitted service at Level 4
4) RU Access Control Protocol for Level 4
The staff categories that are required to be at work because they are essential or permitted service are listed below. Staff who are required to work have been advised by their HoD or Director/Line Manager/Supervisor. Staff may only proceed to the workplace once they have competed the Initial Risk Assessment Process at the HCC. A more automated process will be ready in due course (as per the H&S Protocol) but for now staff should proceed to the HCC to complete the Initial Risk Assessment Process. Until the process can be automated and if you don’t want to wait in a queue it is recommended that you make an appointment at the HCC for the Initial Risk Assessment Process.
The staff that have completed the Initial Risk Assessment Process must complete the Daily Self-Assessment Screening Questionnaire (attached) and either give it to their Line Manager or drop it off at the HCC because the Access Points will only be operational from Tuesday, 12 May 2020. From Tuesday, 12 May 2020 these forms should be submitted at one of the Access Points outlined in the Health and Safety Protocol.
Essential and permitted services staff categories:-
1) Security Services
2) Health and Safety Services, those involved in the production, manufacture and distribution of hand-sanitizer, Counselling Services, the Health Care Centre responsible for the Initial Risk Assessment Process and Cleaning Staff involved in cleaning and sanitizing the workplace
3) Staff involved in the continuing research and experimentation involving animal and plants. This includes defined research projects (including animal, insect and plant experiments that have to continue). All forms of biological laboratory stock that have to be kept alive, including cell cultures and the monitoring of fridge and freezer stocks.
4) Emergency staff should they need to go in for an emergency.
5) Print Unit staff – printing everything for Alert level 4.
6) Information and Technology staff who cannot do what needs to be done remotely
7) HR, Payroll, Creditors and Data Control Staff
8) Specific communications services
9) Education Technology Specialists
10) Academic staff collecting or digitizing teaching materials
11) The teams working with the Deans getting print material ready
The Institutional Plan is will be finalized during the course of next week and additional staff permitted in the workplace will be advised by their HoD or Director/Line Manager. The revised template permitting staff to travel to and from work is attached for information. HR will during the course of this week draft updated letters which will be available from the HR Reception. HR will advise HoDs and Directors when the letters are ready. In the meantime, staff should continue to use their current letter.
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.