

ARTSA Collection

Association of Round Tables of Southern Africa

"Round Table Southern Africa is a non political, non denominational association of young men between the ages of 18 and 40, embracing representatives of nearly every profession and occupation, whose objects are the encouragement of high ethical standards, the promotion of social intercourse and fellowship among young business and professional men, the quickening of individual interest in everything affecting the public welfare, and the promotion of understanding amongst peoples of different cultural, language and political backgrounds." [ extracted from Johannes Meintjes' Round Table in Southern Africa: 1948 1969 ].

Round Table Southern Africa had its inception on 9 November 1948 when the first Round Table in South Africa was launched in East London (East London Round Table no. 1). Durban followed as Round Table No. 2, Johannesburg No. 3, Umtata No. 4, Kimberley No. 5, King William's Town No. 6, Springs No. 7 and Port Elizabeth No. 8. By 24 November 1951, with 8 Tables established the minimum number to form an Association the Association of Round Tables of Southern Africa (or ARTSA) was born and held its first AGM in Durban in 1952. Thereafter, Tables sprang up across the country including Cape Town No. 9, Pinetown No. 10 and Grahamstown No. 11. There are now 239 Round Tables in ARTSA.
The Cory Library is the official custodian of the Association of Round Tables of Southern Africa (ARTSA) archives and has been receiving deposits of ARTSA archives since 1986. The archives constitute a record of service to the Southern African community and represent a history of Southern African male society in the second half of the 20th century.


ARTSA ACCESSION LIST  Updated on April 2018.

Last Modified: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 14:38:40 SAST